Institute of Continuing Education

Dr Jacob Leopard
Director of Institute of Continuing Education
about the Institute
The Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) of the Open University of Tanzania was established under the Government Notice No. 159, published on 26th July 1996. ICE is an arm of the University that is mandated with the developing, promoting and undertaking professional development and life-long learning training course, with a mission of improving knowledge and skills needed for enhancement of competences needed for social-economic development of the society. The institute and OUT in general, acknowledge their obligation to contribute towards poverty alleviation and sustainable development in Tanzania.
The Institute is one of the largest providers of access to continuing education in the country by providing different entry pathways to both youths and adults. Since its establishment, the institute has graduated more than 10,000 students from its certificate and diploma programs, where as a good percentage of them continued to higher levels of education at the OUT and in other Universities. Moreover, the institute has a mandate to offer non-degree programs which include certificate, diploma, and demand driven short Courses. The courses are offered through blended mode which includes distance (including online) and occasional face to sessions.
Department and Programmes Offered
Certificate in Foundation Program (OFP)
Basic Certificate in Library and Information Studies (CLIS)
Basic Certificate in Youth Work (CYW)
Basic Technical Certificate in Hair styling and Beauty Therapy
Institute Administration and Contacts