The Bachelor of Literature Programme aims to provide a basic literature knowledge foundation and training in academic research and creative writing. It also prepares students for careers in academia, the general private sector, or publishing enterprises (or even to establish their own). It will enable students to contribute to research and literary output advancement. Candidate registered for a bachelor of arts in literature programme (BALIT) are carrying out studies by distance mode through coursework, examinations and or independent study in last year of study where a candidate shall prepare a proposal, write research paper and present. Also, The Programme is delivered through Distance and Open Learning using: Learner Support strategies; ICT etc.
Programme Summary
Programme Informations
The entry qualifications to this programme of the Open University of Tanzania [OUT] are:
- Two principal passes with a total of 4 points in arts subjects, one of which must be English language subject.
- Recognition of Prior Learning Qualification which is B+ grade (where A =75-100, B+ = 65-74, B=50-64, C =40-49, D = 35-39, F = 0-38).
- C) Foundation Certificate with a minimum GPA of 3.0 calculated from the six subjects taught in the programme.
- d) At least four O’-Level passes (Ds and above) or NVA Level III with less than four O’Level passes or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA.
Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) in education, languages, journalism, mass communication, public relations, communication skills, law and tourism with a GPA of 3.
- e) At least four O’-Level passes (Ds and above) or NVA Level III with less than four O’ Level passes or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA.
Ordinary Diploma in education, languages, tourism, journalism, mass communication, public relations, law and communication skills, with average of B.
Level 1
Course Codes | Course Title | TCU Credits | OUT Units | Status |
OLT 131 | Literary Theory and Criticism | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 132 | Studies in African Literatures | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 133 | Language and Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OFC 017 | Communication Skills | 10 | 1 | Core |
OCP 100 | Introduction to Computer | 10 | 1 | Core |
OLT 134 | Creative Writing for Fiction, Drama and Petry | 20 | 2 | Elective |
OLT 135 | Introduction to Drama | 20 | 2 | Elective |
OLT 136 | African Women Writers | 20 | 2 | Elective |
Level 2 The Candidate shall study all core courses and one elective making, making a total of 12 units | ||||
Course Codes | Course Title | TCU Credits | OUT Units | Status |
OLT 231 | Literary Stylistics | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 232 | Poetry | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 233 | Folklore and Oral Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 234 | Research Methodology | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 235 | Rise of the Novel | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 236 | Contemporary Trends in African Literature | 20 | 2 | Elective |
OLT 237 | Introduction to Film Studies | 20 | 2 | Elective |
Level 3 The Candidate shall study all core courses and two electives making, making a total of 12 units | ||||
Course Codes | Course Title | TCU Credits | OUT Units | Status |
OLT 331 | Comparative Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 332 | African American Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 333 | Studies in European Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 334 | Gender and Literature | 20 | 2 | Core |
OLT 335 | The Short Story | 20 | 2 | Elective |
OLT 336 | Research Project | 20 | 2 | Elective |
OLT 337 | Creative Writing Project | 20 | 2 | Elective |
Payments are done per unit where as one unit costs 60,000. In addition to tuition fee, students will be required to pay other charges like examination fees, essential reference books, stationeries and other related costs for research projects.
Caroline Nimehi Mugolozi | Phone number: +255 754 967 772 |
A bachelor’s degree in Literature forms students into skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical interpreters of texts mostly in the English literary tradition and offers students the opportunity to nurture their ability to produce literary texts. The degree is designed to help students understand the process of communicating and interpreting human experience through literary representation; in doing so they develop reading, writing and analytic skills; learn historical contexts and disciplinary methodologies; and become ethical communicators. As students study how individuals in specific historical, cultural, and rhetorical circumstances represent their experience and ideas through the medium of language, they learn how to formulate their own ideas critically, creatively, and persuasively. They learn to raise significant questions, gather relevant evidence, reach well-reasoned conclusions, weigh alternative systems of thought, and write as means of intellectual inquiry and creative expression, all crucial skills necessary to be effective thinkers and communicators in the current information-intensive society. Students also develop an ethical orientation to living as their study of literature encourages them to value human actions, motivations, and differences.
The assessment shall consist of a two-hours written test in the middle of the academic year and a three-hours annual examination, at the end of the academic year. The test will contribute 30% while the annual examination will contribute 70% to the final grade, to make the total of 100%. A pass mark for both the test and examinations combined is 40%. In additional in the practical (Research paper) is assessed out 100% i.e. OLT 337- Creative Writing Project.