Former Vice Chancellors
Prof. Mbwette is a holder of a BSc. Engineering (Hons) degree specialized in Civil Engineering since 1981. He has gained a wide range of management experiences of higher education institutions at both micro and macro levels. He has for the last twenty nine years been a team leader of various multi-disciplinary research teams responsible for treatment of both drinking and wastewater treatment systems that rely on bio-systems. He has a broad experience in management of higher education institutions initially through being an Associate Dean responsible for Research, Publications and Postgraduate Studies for three years in the former Faculty of Engineering at University of Dar es Salaam after which he assisted the UDSM Vice Chancellor in Coordinating the much acclaimed University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Transformation Programme for eight years between July 1994 and April, 2002. Prof. Mbwette has also participated and been involved in co-ordination of a number of co-operation programmes between Europe and America and Universities in Africa ranging from East, Central and Southern Africa.
Prof. Mbwette has also gained experience in reform and/or transformation of a number of Organizations through re-design of organizational structures of a number of institutions and companies. He has led teams involved in institutional development of ten different Tanzanian and four regional institutions including AICAD Research Institute funded by JICA and East African Governments based in Kenya as well as The National University of Rwanda. He has been involved in formulation of the National ICT Policies and Master plans in the higher education sector in Yemen and Ethiopia in collaboration with TU Delft and the Vrije University of Amsterdam (VUA) apart from his involvement in the school mapping project for primary schools in Tanzania.
Prof. Mbwette has been involved in the planning and implementation of ICT Projects in Tanzania. He has also participated in a number of regional efforts and conferences in application of ICT in the education Sector, including being the Secretariat of an African bandwidth investigation initiative sponsored by the four America foundations between the year 1999 and March 2002.
Moreover, Prof. Mbwette has vast experience in working with a number of public and private higher education institutions within and outside the country. In most of the work experiences, Prof. Mbwette has played the role of either a team leader or a co-ordinator thus clearly demonstrating his ability to work with a variety of teams.
Previous Positions Held
Prof. Mbwette has held various positions in higher learning institutions. Between January, 2004 and 12th April, 2005, he was Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the Open University of Tanzania. Since 13th April, 2005 to date, he is the Vice Chancellor, Open University of Tanzania following his re-appointment for a further five years with effect from 13th April 2010 . He has been the Chairman of the IUCEA Governing Board for two years (2007-2009) and he was the Founder Chairman of TERNET Council between April 2007 and April 2010. Between December 2006 and December 2009, Prof. Mbwette was the Chairman of the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU). He has been the Vice Chairperson of the Executive Board of the African Council on Distance Education (ACDE) between July 2008 and July 2011 as well as one of the two Vice Chairpersons of the IUCEA Governing Board from July 2008 to June 2010. From September 2009, Prof. Mbwette is an Honorary Advisor to the Commonweaith of Learning (COL). In July 2011, Prof. Mbwette was duly elected as the President of ACDE for a period of three (3) years.
Academic Qualifications
Institution: University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Dates: 1977 - 1981
Qualifications: B.Sc. Engineering (Hons) [First Class]
Content: Civil Engineering
Institution: International Institute for Hydr. & Env. Eng., The Netherlands
Dates: 1981 - 1982
Qualifications: Dip. S.E. (Delft), [Distinction], M.Sc. equivalent
Content: International Course for San. Engineering
Institution: University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dates: 1982 - 1984
Qualifications: M.Sc. Engineering [Unclassified]
Content: Civil/Environmental Engineering
Institution: University of London, Imperial College of Science & Technology
Dates: 1985 – 1989
Qualifications: P.h.D (London), DIC
Content: Public Health/Environmental Engineering

The Open University of Tanzania has had over the past sixteen years two Vice Chancellors who had varied academic and administrative experience. Prior to their appointment, both had been academic staff who were well vested with University operations and management.
The former Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Tanzania was Professor Geoffrey Mmari, was appointed as Vice-Chancellor of the Open University of Tanzania on 1 April 1993.
Previous Position Held
1988 - 1991: Served as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).
1984 - 1988: Served as Vice Chancellor of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).
Currently he is chairman of the Higher Education Accreditation Council, the National Examinations Council, the Media Council of Tanzania and the Tanzania Family Planning Association, as well as Council member of Mzumbe University, Sokoine University of Agriculture, the State University of Zanzibar and the Mathematical Association of Tanzania.
Education Background
Professor Geoffrey Mmari is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa and the University of Dar es Salaam, from where he earned his PhD.
More about the former Vice Chancellor
He has been published in the fields of mathematics education and higher education policy.